Hey everyone!
First off, we’re very happy to announce that Le Gouffre has just won the Best Animated Short Film Award at the San Jose Film Festival!
Here’s what the judges had to say about the film:
“Brilliant and vibrant CG animation that truly took our breath away. Stylish filmmaking combined with solid storytelling made this the Best Animated film of the 2014 Film Festival.”
Now in terms of upcoming screenings, we’ve got a big week planned ahead in Montreal! SPASM festival is starting this week, and you’ll be able to watch the film during LES INCLASSABLES, Friday October 24th, at the Plaza Theatre. Also, Le Gouffre was selected for the YoungCuts Film Festival and will be screened this Thursday October 23rd at Cinema Guzzo, metro Côte-Vertu, 7:00 pm. In short, some great evenings coming up!
Here’s a full list of the latest festival selections:

Youngcuts Film Festival 2014
Montreal, Canada – October 22-25

Spark Animation Festival 2014
Vancouver, Canada – October 22-26

Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival 2014
St-Louis, USA – November 13-23

Les Sommets du cinéma d’animation – Festival international de Montréal et de Québec 2014
Montreal/Quebec, Canada – November 27- December 7

Anchorage International Film Festival 2014
Anchorage, Alaska – December 5-14
So that’s it, we hope we get to see you all Thursday or Friday! If you still didn’t get a chance to watch the film, it is not too late to get yourself a ticket.
And since we’re probably not going to do a new update until then, happy Halloween everyone!