Week 81 – Teaser soon

posted in: Textures | 1

That’s right, we’re working right now on a teaser for the film! We can’t tell you just yet when we expect to put it online, but here’s a little sneak peek to keep you waiting :

We reworked a lot of shots lately and came up with some pretty cool ambiences. We can’t wait to show you all of this! In the meantime, here’s a few textures that were done in the last week for a sequence that takes place in the forest :

That’s it for this week! Come back soon for more exciting news on Le Gouffre™!

Week 51 – Grant application

Hey everyone!

The last two weeks were rather busy since we had to complete everything that was missing for our grant application which is due january 18th. It’s a lot of paperwork, but we’re very proud of the result and believe we gave ourselves every chance to succeed. Cross your fingers for us, we should have the results somewhere in may!

For those who are curious, here’s what the package we’ll be dropping at their office tomorrow looks like!

Now, for today’s post, we prepared two images of the latest developments Thom and myself did on the film. First off, a frame of a new shot we never showed you before!

And next, a little pine tree test I’ve been working on. We’re trying to develop a very sketchy style where we can clearly see the paint strokes, something we see far too little in 3D (in our opinion!). Anyways, we’d like to hear your thoughts!

That’ll be it for this week! As always, thanks for being there, and see you next time!

Week 37 – Trees

posted in: Textures | 1

Hello everyone!

This week, we would like to demonstrate the technique we used to create vegetation in our film. Since we want a painterly style which is hard to reach with standard modeled trees, we decided to apply a texture to one-dimensional planes instead.

Obviously, the trees won’t be able to react correctly to light this way, so we are working on multiple versions of the texture (each having a different lighting) that we will switch depending on the direction of the sun in the shot. As for the shadows, they will be cheated using a second version of each tree, invisible and rotated 90 degrees, so that we can get a shadow even when light comes from the side.

One of the great advantages of this technique is that we can add a lot of trees without making our scenes too big or unstable.

So, here’s the texture :

And the result in an unlighted scene :

That’s it for now. See you next week!