Hey everyone!
We’re working harder than ever on the film and we’re very satisfied with the results! Sadly, we can’t show animation this time, as we would soon end up revealing the entire film, so here’s a few visual enhancements we did on the film this week.
We had a few comments about the set not being detailed enough compared to the rest of the film. It’s something that’s still being worked on.
Here’s a new pass done on the cliffs :
And the result on the rest of the canyon (still working on it) :
Comped shots are also being constantly enhanced. As soon as Thomas is waiting for a new render, he goes back to old shots to refine what we already have. Here’s shot 2 for instance, with a depth treatment that makes Steinn stand out much better.
Well, that’s it for this week! See you next wednesday night for new updates on Le Gouffre™ !