Hi everyone!
We have now reached more than three times our initial goal after just one week on our Kickstarter page! Once again, thank you for your continuous support.
Now that word has spread through most of our friends and relatives, we’re hoping this week to get more attention in the medias to bring a new flow of visitors to our Kickstarter page. We’ve sent this morning a press release to more than a hundred journalists. Branchez-vous and the Huffington Post have already published our story. Let’s hope more news websites start doing the same!
For those of you who might have missed it, we released last week a HD version of our teaser on our Vimeo page. It has already been featured on itsartmag, evermotion, softimage.tv and lesterbanks. Check it out if you want to see our teaser in its full glory!
One last thing worth mentionning is that the animation department of the Cégep du Vieux-Montréal, where we all studied, has made a very generous contribution of 1000$ last wednesday! Thanks again to all the department!
Stay tuned for more infos on the campaign, it’s still far from over!