What a year!
We had a certain idea of what was waiting for us with this project, but never did we anticipate it would be so hard. Or so rewarding!
Obviously, we would have prefered if our main computer didn’t die on us without warning. We also would have liked to be able to stay on schedule and actually be doing our last shots before leaving for the holidays. But things didn’t go exactly as planned. This project is just gigantic. It might very well be the most important thing we ever did.
But don’t worry, moral is at its best, and the project is now going at full speed. Now that every pre-prod element is completed, I’m finally able to help Carl with the animation. That means we now spend 100% of our time getting out shots while Thom is doing the lighting and compositing. During the last months, we fixed almost every single texture or render problem, found a visual style we like, and refined the animation style.
We don’t know exactly how long it will take before we can finish this film, but one thing is certain, we’ll do everything it takes to make it the best possible. And believe us, it’s gonna be worth it!
Since it is our last update before the holidays, we wanted to celebrate properly. It’s been a while since we showed you any new animation shots, so we thought it’d be the perfect moment to show you my first sequence, along with the very first shot featuring the little girl!
Happy holidays from the entire Le Gouffre team! Thank you infinitely for your support, and come back in 2013 for the latest developments on the film.
One Response
Yves Paradis
Je suis content de voir que le morale est toujours a son meilleurs les boys !
J’ai bien regardé cette petite shot-cadeau et j’aurai une suggestion pour vous.
Je ne sais pas quel sont les autres plans avec la jeune fille qui passe avant celui-ci, mais je pense qu’il pourrait y avoir plus de contraste dans la direction de son regarde. Elle commence au centre et ses yeux bougent beaucoup pour enfin regarder en bas à droite. Ses yeux pourraient regarder plus vers la gauche ou le ciel au début.
C’est pas grand chose mais ça rajouterait de l’emphase sur l’endroit final ou elle regarde.