Hey everyone!
It’s been a while since we showed you any new shots so we decided to give you a little treat this week and present you a sequence of seven final shots with the little girl. It’s always a big dilemma to decide what we can afford to show you or not but since there aren’t too many spoilers this time, we figured you’d be glad to see more animated content.
So here it is: the longest sequence of continuous shots we’ve shown until now!
Well that’s it, we hope you liked it! Please let us know what you think, and see you all around at the next update!
9 Responses
Sa face!! :’O (<= icone chargé d'émotions)
Vraiment excellent. Si le film est constant avec ce niveau de qualité, vous allez ramasser le premier prix partout où vous allez présenter!
J’me demandais… allez-vous monter une BD imprimée pour la collector edition? Pcq je serais preneur :p
Ça c’est de la séquence de qualité ! High five pour l’animation qui est super éfficace et dynamique les boys.
Wow, génial les gars. J’ai vraiment hâte de voir le résultat final !
M dot Strange
Amazing work! Love the style and the animation and everything else! I’m really looking forward to seeing the finished work ^_^
Reading posts like this make surfing such a plaeusre
Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.
Great little tips, not heard of the plastic tubing being used for anti flywire flap. Good Idea.We would be very happy to have you at the Geist Retreat. I will forward some details to you.Catch you on the track.GR