Week 97 – Opening shot

posted in: Concept arts, Textures | 0

Hey everyone!

We’ll do a quick update this week, since we are all way over our head with all the stuff that needs to be done before Christmas…

Usually, we use rendered 3d lights to light our scenes, but we decided to do a little different for the first few shots of the film and paint the lighting directly in the textures like in a good old 2D background. As an example, here’s a matte painting for the opening shot of the film!


Happy Christmas shopping everyone! 🙂


Week 95 – Camera Projections

posted in: Textures | 5

Only four updates left before Christmas! A little vacation won’t hurt!

With less than three shots left to animate, we can safely say that the hardest part of the film is behind us. Nevertheless, we still got a lot of texture projections to do in order to get that painterly feel we are after. Here’s a few before/after of projections that we did recently!




For those of you who are wondering why the textures were so low resolution to begin with, well it all comes down to the fact that if we added too many details on the base textures, as soon as we would have stepped back the camera we would have lost the painterly feeling. Another reason is that since the film is taking place in a lot of different areas, it would have taken forever to detail every little corner. To overcome this problem, the logical solution was to do only the minimum we needed on the initial texture work, and then paint exactly the look we wanted using camera projections once the animation was completed.

Well, that’s it, we hoped you enjoyed this post. Thanks and see you soon!


Week 93 – Bird Animation

posted in: Animation | 0

Hey everyone!

Lately, Carl has animated a couple of birds for some shots of the beginning of the movie. Since we’re always trying to save time when we can, he found an easy way to add variety to a base cycle by using the animation mixer and a simple curve. So here’s a video demonstrating how it was done, as well as a new animation shot showing the birds in action!

Well, that’s it, we hope you enjoyed our little video. Thanks for being here, and come back soon for more news about Le Gouffre!

(By the way, David is animating right now his very last shot on the film!)


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