Sold out!

posted in: Première, Uncategorized | 2

We still can’t believe it but it’s been confirmed with the La Tulipe… we’re sold out for this Friday! That means we’re expecting about 750 attenders!

We’d like to remind those who are intitled to free tickets with their Kickstarter donation that they will be able to claim them at the La Tulipe’s door this Friday starting at 7:30pm.

For all of you that did not have the chance to buy a ticket but really want to come, there might still be a way! There is a chance that some tickets will become available right before the projection. If you’re willing to take the risk, all you have to do is wait at the La Tulipe’s entrance and if by 8:15pm we have a bunch of unclaimed VIP tickets, you’ll be able to buy them!

See you Friday everyone!

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Week 100 – Thanks!

posted in: Uncategorized | 4

You’re probably all with your families to celebrate christmas so we won’t be taking too long, but it happens that today is also a very special day for our team. Indeed, it’s been 100 weeks that we work full time on the film!

We are very proud of this achievement, but know that it wouldn’t have been possible without all your support so thank you. Thanks to all who gave so generously to our Kickstarter campaign and without whom we wouldn’t have been able to finish the film at all. Thanks to our 700 fans on Facebook who help us spread the film to more people week after week. And finally, thanks to everyone who read us every week and have been with us since the very beginnings.

Enjoy the holidays everybody, and we hope to see you all back in 2014!


Kickstarter – Thank you!

posted in: Uncategorized | 13

Our campaign is finally over. Phew, what a month!

Words cannot describe how thankful we are for all of your support. We wouldn’t have gotten far if it wasn’t for your continuous help liking, sharing and tweeting our story throughout the last few weeks, and for that we feel very privileged. We’re very excited to see how much people enjoyed our teaser, and the best way to thank you all is to make sure that the final film fulfills all of your expectations!

Until then, stay tuned for more news about the film, we’ll start posting updates again in two weeks!


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